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Washburn, Carver House
204 Summer St
Architectural Style
Greek Revival
Use Type
Single Family Dwelling House
Bridgewater Town Center
Massachusetts Historical Commission Report
Architectural Significance
Built c. 1830, this late Federal/Greek Revival House is similar to #21, 28 School St. and #29 Maple Ave.
Historical Significance
This house appears on the 1830 and 1852 maps labeled C. Washburn. By 1875 Jane M. Washburn, widow of Carver Washburn, lived here along with Clinton Washburn, mechanic. Local histories do not contain biographical information on Mr. Carver Washburn (also the name of the first cotton gin manufacturing concern in Bridgewater— Carver, Washburn and Co.). By the early 1900's Clinton Washburn, boxmaker, and Carrie Washburn, housekeeper, lived here.
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