Prophett, H. G. House
62 Union St
Architectural Style
Use Type
Single Family Dwelling House
Massachusetts Historical Commission Report
Architectural Significance
This group of three late Italianate dwellings (two double houses, one single family) were built c. 1885. These modest buildings enliven the Union St. streetscape with the rhythmic progression of their steeply pitched gable roofs and projecting bay windows and porch hoods.
Historical Significance
This group has significant local historical associations with Henry G. Prophett, prominent late 19th-early 20th c. builder/real estate speculator/metal shingle dealer. Mr. Prophett apparently built these houses as investment properties—along with similar houses at 125 and 115 Bedford St. and several houses on Maple Ave. The Bedford St. houses are illustrated on the O. H. Bailey map of Bridgewater. H. G. Prophett was the son of Central Square merchant and funeral director William Prophett (1834-1897). H. G. Prophett lived in the Queen Anne house at 107 Bedford St.