Perkins, Henry Company Moulding Room
170 Broad St
Architectural Style
Architecture, Industry
Use Type
Henry Perkins Co.
Massachusetts Historical Commission Report
Architectural Significance
The Henry Perkins moulding room/brass foundry building is architecturally significant as a brick industrial structure dating to the last years of the Civil War. It possesses an L-shaped plan and a gable roof. Painted lettering on the railroad tracks side reads "THE HENRY PERKINS CO 1848".
Historical Significance
The Henry Perkins Co. was founded in 1848. Initially located off Howard St. this firm moved to its present Broad St. location in 1864-65. The moulding room building and brass foundry dates to c. 1865. During the late 19th c. this L-shaped building contained a moulding room, a room for "cleaning castings" and a small brass foundry (see 1885 Sanborn atlas). By the early 1890's the moulding room and the machine shop/pattern shop to the northeast had been connected by a small brick addition. This building continues to house a moulding facility. Many of the first workers in this building were "returning Civil War soldiers." Mouldings for "the finest piano frames" were made here during the late 19th century.